All the amazing cooks who have teetered and perfected these recipes
Food pictures to inspire me and for the internet to share the love and connect us
My ability to smell and taste and cook these foods
My warm, safe, comfortable home to welcome family
My kitchen which is fully stocked and designed perfectly for cooking
The grocery stores which supply me with food to try all these new recipes (and to Amazon 2-day shipping when they can't)
Having loving people in my life who want to spend time with me on this special day!
For the first time ever, we're going sans-turkey on thanksgiving. And I'm tickled pink because no meat means more veggies. I am so thrilled in fact, that I decided to host. This means, I can have people over for yummy food and I don't have to properly cook, prepare, cut and serve a giant hunk of poultry. BOOM. Can't life get any better than that.
Here are some of the recipes that we will be using for the feast. Feel free to become hypnotized by the recipes below, as I was...
Feeling unhappy with your current condition feels like you're terminally drowning in your own personal yuck, coming up for air every once in a while only to be shoved back down without notice. I know what it feels like. I know the pit. I know the misery. I know the cycle of misery. I know its coming on feircly so it can get your attention.
I also KNOW it is darkest before the dawn. I know for as much misery as you suffer, there is that much light coming your way. I know that we are beautiful, loving people who don't deserve to feel anything less than happy. I know that when we experience emotional pain, it means we are asking more from life. AND I know from the depth of my soul, that we will get everything we ask for. I also know things can change on a dime, so don't settle in just yet. The energy of the world moves very quickly now, so don't let yourself get stuck thinking anything is permanent.
Negative thoughts can originate one of two ways:
1. Warranted (such as, "my life is a shit-show, no wonder I'm messed up mentally") OR
2. Completely unjustified (such as "I have everything I ever wanted - so why can't I just be happy?" or "this feeling just came from out of the blue") But notice they come from a place of expectation. They come from thoughts of, "I have (blank), so I should feel (blank). Or I don't have (blank), therefore I'm suppose to feel this way." That's the problem with expectations! It also pulls you away from the ability to feel satisfied with what is. You might even think your happiness is not deserved as you are right now. You might think you are broken. But you are not, I promise. You are just needing to be understood and to change some thought patterns. This is actually very easy, and I am here to help!
Your Negative Thoughts are just a place you've traveled to- It's NOT who You are!
If a thought hurts your feelings, it's just not true. So first, you must recognize the untruth and then you back away from it. How do you release negative thought patterns? Just like you do if you are hiking in the wilderness and you encounter a huge bear eating berries. You back away very slowly. What does it look like mentally?
Generalize your thoughts about the subject you can't seem to find joy about. That's it. You see the bear (the negative thoughts) and you back away (go general) from it. You make general statements like, "I'm doing my best", "Oh that is just not true" or "It felt right at the time" or "I'm sure others have done the same thing and came out just fine. " Or "it's not forever." This way, instead of digging into a topic, you release it. Boom.
You see, the more you focus on a subject, the more real and heavier it becomes. Have you ever had a mild headache and told someone about it? Then all of a sudden, your headache intensifies 10X and you can think of nothing else but your throbbing migraine. Have you ever told someone that you gained weight? Then, after that, your sugar monster became unstoppable and you're eat more and more of what fattens you. It's as though you released the beast and now your conscious wants to make you right. Is it more important to be right or to be happy?
Don't do that to yourself. Instead, try to talk more about what you want and stop talking (and thinking) about what you don't want.
You aren't going to tackle negative thoughts into the ground by analyzing them over and over AND over. Just like you aren't going to tackle the grizzly bear. But you can quietly sneak away and enter safety. Want to know more? Want my tried and true methods? I'm so glad you asked.
To ease negative self-depreciating thoughts, I play The Bliss Game with my daughter. It requires no equipment. It requires only a desire to shift out of the uncomfortable mental place you are in. THE BLISS GAME
Players: You can play with one person or many (not everyone even has to know they are playing!)
Rules: Player #1- (me) Says something they like out loud, then it's player #2's turn
Player #2 (super optimistic 4 year old) says what she likes, or copies what player #1 says to reinforce Then its player #1's turn again. It goes over and over. It starts out rusty sometimes but then it gets really fun and juicy! There are no other rules, the sky's the limit, have fun.
Example...Here are some of mine to offer inspiration, but definitely do your own, too!
I like warm baths
I like driving with no traffic
I like partially cloudy days
I like having a lot of money I like having my hair look pretty
I like watching people hug
I like nice people
I like flowing yoga poses
I like having a clean house
I like having my PJ's on
I like laughing really hard
I like laying on my bed
I like super moons
I like braiding my daughters hair
I like eating food I don't feel guilty about
I like writing with blue pens
I like petting soft dogs
Boom. If you go down a positive rampage like that, there's no way you can go wrong.
What thoughts bliss you out? Post below!
Getting from Feeling Bad to Feeling Bliss in 3 Steps
The energy of the world is changing. Hold ONTO your boot straps people!
The World is Becoming Transparent, Along With Everything In It! The transparency of the world is known through all the truths coming out. Our political system is a giant fraud, it has been for decades and now we can fully see the joke of the matter. Celebrities are pointing fingers, accusing Weinstein and others of things priests were known for. Volks Wagen has produced a fraudulent product for years in front of our own noses and now the truth is out.
People can no longer fool you, companies can no longer swindle the masses, you can no longer hide behind a mask. So if you're someone (like me) who has always felt "not good enough" and has put that belief into every cell of your body, then we've got some serious soothing to do. No longer can one hate one's body and still try to convince it to look pretty. Our bodies were made from love, therefore our bodies respond to loving words and actions. Our bodies do not respond to "I hate you, now change!"
We can't hide behind a pretty front anymore. And we definitely can't hide from our thoughts, as our bodies will no longer play in the deception. In essence, we've lost our compliant wing man to truth serum. So the new rule is that NO ONE escapes the rule of truth, including our own consciousness. This is great news for a truth seeker, like myself!
What Does It Mean To ME?
What does this mean? It means self-loathing will no longer get you the results you want. It means transparency is letting us see what we really have been telling ourselves. It means we are seeing others for what they are. It also means systems will all crash. The religious system, the scientific system, the medical system (including big Pharma! - hallelujah!), the banking system. They are all getting wake up calls, their truth is coming to light.
It means it's time to pick your tribe. It's time to pay attention to how people make you feel, rather than keeping them around for the sake of it. It means we get to accept what we are and how we got here instead of running from it.
What's Next?
It means change is here. It means things come up to the surface and then they are dealt with and then something new and better is created. Hang in there. We're in for a wild ride!