So, in 2015 I'm just going to try, the following:
1) To run in the Spartan Elite - May 2015 in Colorado. It's a muddy obstacle race for time, which includes rope climbs and a lot of crazy chicks, if any crazies wanna join. I am assuming I can just qualify myself for this race and go try it. This is what I need- getting comfortable with competition.

3. To hike the continental divide - a 36-mile hike with no sleeping. This means straight hiking for an excess of 12-hours. I better buy some good hiking boots, REI here I come!
4) To do The World's Toughest Mudder, November 14, 2015. This is an intense obstacle course with running. It is a 5-mile loop and includes crazy shenanigans like water, fire, walls and freezing night temps as it's in the Nevada desert. Oh, did I mention you loop the course and the race doesn't end until after 24-hours? There's the kicker. The goal is to complete as many miles as you can in 24-hours, my goal would be 50-60miles.
And for fitness goal of things I can work on immediately:
1) Walking on my hands - for 25 meters
2) Double Unders - these are always on my goals list
3) Doing 20 kippping pull ups in a row
4) Do an aerial (no handed) cartwheel
5) Grow out my fingernails - this is a struggle for me. Everytime I write a blOg, I bite my nails off. Its an awful nervous habit
6) Back squat 200#
What are your fitness goals? What changes need to be made to make those dreams real for you.
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