Ever notice that when you're down mentally, that things that excite you just don't anymore? That you find ways to find negatives in things that you shouldn't be able to? That's because, your state, your mental state, changes your perception.
It goes the opposite way too. So when you're feeling on cloud 9, all those problems seem to lighten (what problems you say?!) Well, that's your answer. Find. A. Way. To. Lighten. Every. Subject. And Ta-Da, here's a less known trick: It doesn't happen directly, it doesn't happen with dedicated focus on what's wrong. Instead, joy happens with distraction from what's pulling you down.That is why flow yoga and Crossfit and racquetball are so good for me, it keeps me moving and breathing instead of thinking. And the further I get from thinking, the better I feel. One exception to that; if I'm getting a massage or I'm 10 minutes into a run and thinking- Thinking during those times takes me to a happy bubble.
Our job is not to gather the best circumstances in order to have a good life. If that was the case then Helen Keller would not have been who she was. Instead, it's your job to be exactly where you are and find the best possible aspects of it. And if you can't find something good about where you are, you back away from the subject or you distract yourself. Problems should be approached just like you would if you saw 'Ol Mr black Bear in the woods. Back away!
When you find a way to be positive, then the world around you changes. People change. Things that were holding you down, can lift. You can breathe again. You feel excited about your day instead of dreading it. That's your power! You CAN change your thoughts to shift your energy. So don't wake up and start thinking of the big problems in your life. Instead, wake up and start appreciating the little things, or give yourself praise for something, or think of something hilarious that made you belly laugh. These are all tricks that change your state. When your mental state is changed, your world changes.
- YOU are not depressed. You might have been labeled as such, but that's just what Doctors do to stuff you into a pretty little vanilla file so they can move onto another patient. If you are depressed and someone came up to you and said, "here's $10 Million dollars" or if someone needed help finding something, you would in that moment forget about your depressing thoughts. Remember this: Depression is like a cloud that floats along in the sky. You are not the cloud, you are the whole sky, my love. Don't get stuck in labels. They will always keep you down longer than you need to.
- The more you think, the worse it feels. Mental chatter does not make for a bliss experience. You have to turn off the thinking body, (what Ekhart Tolle calls, The Pain Body) OR as Abraham Hicks explains, thoughtlessness raises your vibration. Then you have to realize you are innately happy. Happiness is your birthright, just stop overthinking so you can feel it.
- Anxiety is experienced both physically and mentally. Anxiety is also caused by focusing on what you DON'T want. Instead of focusing on what you don't want, start to come up with fantasies of what could happen. It's called the "what if" game. It goes like this- What if the people I just met end up being my best friends? What if I end up loving the body I'm in? What if this is the best thing for me in the long haul? What if I practice bravery and help others do it too...
- NOTHING is more important than how you feel. And if that means you are a homeless man on the street and you find joy in placing your hands over a burning trash can because it's warm - then you're off to a good start. Don't seek out the conditions to be happy about, instead be happy in the right now moment. Once you begin to find the things to be happy about, you'll begin to experience more happiness. Happiness is not something that comes to you, it's something you seek out and something that builds up momentum.
- Depression is caused by thoughts of the past, Anxiety is caused by thoughts of the future and both are caused by the inability to be fully be in the present moment. How can you live in the current moment? You find something to cherish, something to be in awe of that's happening where you are right now. It could be two people hugging, it could be geese flying overhead, it could be the fact that you are reading my awesome blog. Find something small and let the momentum carry you.
- Realize the pain you are experiencing is because you are inflicting a monumental shift in your beliefs. What you used to make you happy in the past no longer applies because you are learning to find joy without perfect conditions. example: Can I be happy if my health is not perfect? Can I see this as an opportunity instead of as a punishment? Can I know that behavior of another makes me angry but refrain from anger?
- Your point of focus (what you are giving your attention to with thoughts and actions) is spurring these emotions. Drop any topic that doesn't feel good. Move onto something totally random and let the problems sort themselves out shortly there after. The other day I was down in the dumps mentally and I started to watch a video on how to braid hair- boom. felt better. Distractions unrelated to your problems end up solving your problems. It's like when you feel crappy and then you hear about someone else being in a really bad spot and your problem "mountain" turns into a molehill.
- Don't talk about those subjects that don't feel good unless it's with someone who'e extremely optimistic (rare gems.) Anything that you want to be true, or anything you want more of, talk about. Anything you don't want to be true, just generalize it! You generalize it by saying things like, "I'm sure other people have been in this same situation and made it through." Or say, "its always worse from this point of view." Don't let your need to be accurate outweigh your desire to feel good. If you talk to people and tell them how awful your life has been in order for them to understand why you've put on ten pounds, then you're only holding yourself back from change. Plus complaining lowers the energy of the conversation you have. Instead, find a subject that makes you feel good when you discuss it.
- Recognize when you feel a certain way, it's a jumping off point to dive into something else entirely. If you feel uncomfortable with a certain group of friends, don't judge yourself harshly like there's something wrong with you. Just acknowledge it's there with a light heart, so you can move on. If you judge it you'll only muddy of the waters of transformation.
- Anxiety and stress cause shallow breathing. Shallow breathing tells your body that something is wrong. When that happens your mind will begin to seek out what's wrong and the momentum will carry you into a really bad place. Breath deeply my friends, we're all in this together.
- Imagine your preferences. Where do you want to be instead? What do you want to be doing instead? Who do you want to be with? What do you want to be different? Asking yourself empowering questions will bring you up out of the depths of despair. Instead of hanging out in victimization, flip it into what your preference is instead. Just write it out or daydream it. Your mood will lift just from thinking about what you want.
- It's always darkest before the dawn. Your worst day will prepare you for the best day.

Hope this helps. Much love to you all!