In Crossfit, you are considered a Master based on your age. 35 years and up means your workouts might be catered a little differently than the standard WOD (workout of the day). In other words, they are modified for masters by a minuscule amount. This means I am two years away from the downhill... I felt like hugging random strangers when I saw my old Crossfit gym (Front Range Crossfit) was starting a new training program - Masters-only training on Saturdays (for age 30+ only). This meant I could have someone push me past my limits and be surrounded by 30 year olds+ while doing it. Yep. Sign me up.

Double Unders and I have a history. And while I have recently been able to link some of them- my double unders are a complete debacle. Luckily, I wasn't the only one who had a double under dilemma, so I wasn't holding anyone back. Instead, I realized that, self-respect be damned, it was the perfect class for me because I got to improve my skills! I ended up getting more double under links than I ever have (IN MY WHOLE LIFE!) And just to brag a little bit, Scott told me that I am extremely close to becoming very efficient at double unders. And to think I almost peed my pants for nothing!
Masters Training Class Schedule:
- Warming up
- Rowing technique - Jon Kissick Team US Rowing to critique our rowing skills
- Double Under and thrusters instruction
- WOD #1 - 5 KB thrusters - 10 Double Unders - 150 Meter Run -
EMOM (every min on the min.) 12 Min. - Rest/Recover
- WOD #2 - 300Meter Row, 20 Double Unders, 10 Barbell Thrusters (95# male-65# female)
4 Rounds on the 6:00 Interval
Double Under Fail. Look where the rope is |
Current Double Under face |
- My food pads need to be at #2 station because my knees were coming over my toes (I have super flexible hamys- thanks Yoga!)
- I was not leaning forward enough on the front end, need to wind all the way to 11:00 (like I'm about to pull a heavy load)
- I was pulling back on the rower before my legs fully finished their pull. This gives me less power because I start using littler muscles like my back instead of my legs
- I was retracting after the pull, and allowing my knees to bend before the bar. I need to bar to go past my knees before I bend my knees
So many fun tricks and manipulations to help you row better! It's so thrilling to see notable improvements in a skill set. I saw huge drop offs in my split time when I hinged forward more so I was elated to see that.
Our last WOD completely KILLED me:
300 Meter Row
20 Double Unders
10 Barbell Thrusters (95# male-65# female)
4 Rounds on the 6:00 Interval
4 Rounds on the 6:00 Interval
4 Rounds of this shenanigans was insane. It reminded me that I'm made of steel and I haven't been pushing myself hard enough in the gym to value that steel-made self. I Love you Crossfit. Back to the story, I finished each round between the high 2:00 min mark and low 3:00 min mark. I think officially my last time was 3:12min. which was my worst time, I can easily blame the exhaustion. I was able to do the thrusters unbroken and I rowed in 1:58/500m splits but the double unders were what slowed my roll. Hopefully not for long, Double Unders are beginning to become my bitch. Considering all the whip marks I have received from double unders, it's about time I take control back from the rope!
Stay tuned for more training!
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